Sunday, September 7, 2008


The message I want to bring out from my poster is “Please Protect Our Trees”. The message was strongly shown with the paper that is held by the tree and written as “Don’t Cut Me”

My Slogan is “Protect Them To Benefit Mankind”. This slogan serves to inform man the importance of protecting trees – to give live to mankind themselves. This is because the trees play a very important role on earth, restoring it.

I use the negative environment to show that the tree feels lonely and scared because it is afraid that one day it may be chopped off. This will then bring many problems to our environment. Next, you can see many building in the background, implying that many trees have been chopped off to build them. The skies and waters are also dark, showing the implications of air and water pollution that has been brought about by the clearing of trees.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


The message I want to bring out from my poster is “Please Protect Our Trees”. The message was strongly shown with the paper that holded by tree and that was wrote down as “Don’t Cut Me”.

My Slogan is “We are the brunch of trees”. To let this slogan as any message, that is because of I think we can cut down the trees and also replant, every single tree in this world can be planted by all of us.

I use the negative environment to show the tree feel lonely and scary. Because the tree is afraid that 1 day it will be chopped out off. Then it will bring many problems in our environment. Next, you can see many building at the back. That means many trees have been chopped off to build infrastructure.


The step of drawing of my the tree and the background in this assignment three was explained in my briefing for my ASSIGNMENT TWO.HOPE LECTURER CAN MAKE A REFERENCE with my previous blog ^^..

References of Assignment 3

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Oh yes!! My assignment 2 of cg done already!!I use 3 day to day it.
This is a tree holding a pieces paper, and the paper was written "SOS" means save our souls and I use the negative environment to show the tree feel lonely and scary. Because the tree is afraid that 1 day it will be chopped out off. Then it will bring many problems in our environment. Next, you can see many building at the back. That means many trees have been chopped off to build infrastructure.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Draft (Assignment 2)

This is my draft!!My topic is deforestation


Those are my references from internet

Saturday, July 19, 2008

My Final Logo

This is my final logo. My topic is forestation.
First, you can see 7 pieces of leaves and the protective cover around the tree.
Meaning of 7 pieces of leaves
The meaning of 7 pieces of leaves are the plants on the 7 continents on earth.
Then you can see that every leaf has 2 colours. 1 side is brown-yellow,while another side is green in colour. Meaning, half of plant has already withered.
Meaning of the tree(middle)
The meaning of the tree in the middle are the plants that are still alive on earth.
We must try to protect them
Meaning of the white and blue circle
The meaning of the white and blue circle is the protective cover. It is a cover to protect the plants on earth.White and blue colour stands for purity and health.

My Step

Step 1: I scan my sketch in to the computer and move it in to the Illustrator
Step 2 : After move the sketch in to the Illustrator, I start to draw my logo with pen tool