Saturday, July 19, 2008

My Final Logo

This is my final logo. My topic is forestation.
First, you can see 7 pieces of leaves and the protective cover around the tree.
Meaning of 7 pieces of leaves
The meaning of 7 pieces of leaves are the plants on the 7 continents on earth.
Then you can see that every leaf has 2 colours. 1 side is brown-yellow,while another side is green in colour. Meaning, half of plant has already withered.
Meaning of the tree(middle)
The meaning of the tree in the middle are the plants that are still alive on earth.
We must try to protect them
Meaning of the white and blue circle
The meaning of the white and blue circle is the protective cover. It is a cover to protect the plants on earth.White and blue colour stands for purity and health.

My Step

Step 1: I scan my sketch in to the computer and move it in to the Illustrator
Step 2 : After move the sketch in to the Illustrator, I start to draw my logo with pen tool

Step 3 : Finish my drawing, I use swatch 2 colour my logo, to let my logo look gradation.

Step 4: I use pen tool to draw protective cover
Step 5: Lastly I use blue colour draw again the protective cover to prominent it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Draft

Picture Collection Of Global Warming

What is Global Warming

What is Global Warming?
Global warming is a term regarding the gradual increase of the earth's temperature. Global warming may become a problem for the world and has already been linked to floods and other types of storms.

Greenhouse gases
Coal-burning power plants, car exhausts, factory smokestacks, and other waste vents of the human environment give off about 23 billion tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouses gases into the Earth's atmosphere each year.

How to help prevent Global Warming
The most practical way to prevent global warming is not to use as much of the stuff that creates greenhouse gases. On a local level, people can help by using less energy. The electricity that is needed to power our electronics comes from power plants, which burn fossil fuel to produce electricity. Here are a few specific ways that humans can help to lower emissions:
1. Turn off lights when they are not in use. Although the light bulb itself does not emit gases,

the power plants that are powering it do.
2. Whenever possible, use a fan instead of air conditioning.
3. Keep a car tuned up. When it is running properly, it emits fewer harmful gases.
4. Walk or ride a bike when it's possible.
5. Recycle. Un-recycled garbage ends up in a landfill, which produces methane. In

addition, recycled goods require less energy to produce than products made from scratch.
6. Plant trees and other plant life whenever possible. Plants take carbon dioxide out of the

air and release oxygen.
7. Eat less or no beef, as beef production is a large source of greenhouse gases (methane,) as

well as a large cause of deforestation.
8. Don't burn garbage. This releases carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons into the atmosphere.
9. Whenever possible eat food cold. Heating things up wastes more energy than
almost everything
10. Improvise whenever possible; it is better than buying a tool you only use once.
11. Don't buy more than one bottle of water in places where the water from the tap cannot
be runk.
Instead, buy one bottle, and then boil water, let it cool (but not in the refrigerator) and use the
original plastic bottle for your portable water supply. If your tap water is drinkable out of the tap,
use this water instead of bottled water.
12. The most effective way to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases is to develop non-fossil

fuel energy sources. Hydro-electric power, solar power, hydrogen engines and fuel cells are
all ways to cut down emissions.

The effects of global warming are very foremost. The United Nations' Environmental Program recently announced that severe weather around the world has made 2005 the most costly year on record.
It would cost a lot of money to cut off global warming in its tracks. If we spend a little money now to help solve the problem of global warming now, then we can save ourselves from losing a lot of money later in life when the erroneous effects of global warming occur. The sea level will rise, which means that coasts will move inland and cause floods. There will be more rain, which will cause floods. Storms will be stronger, which will cause damage. There will be more diseases such as malaria and dengue fever,
and it is possible that more people will die in disasters.
If we spend 1% of our resources on this problem now, we may save as much as 20% of our resources soon. We should try to solve the problem of global warming.

Slowing Temperature Rise
Solar Panels
2. Congestion Charge in the city of London
3. Improving Londons Public Transports
4. Trams
5. Economical Cars
6. Extra tax for larger Engines
7. Energy Efficient Products
8. impact of global climate changes on agriculture
